Are you alarmed, and quite frankly horrified, by what is happening in our public school systems across the nation these days. Kids wearing useless masks all day long even though they are known to be ineffective at stopping the spread of Covid-19; a disease that is of little danger to children unless they have comorbidities. We know this to be true because only 720 children, nationwide, have died from Covid-19, and they all had known comorbidities.
In California the state legislature wants to force all K-12 students to get vaccinated with an experimental vaccine, which we now know does not protect them, before they can attend public and private school. To make matters worse there is a growing body of evidence that the Covid-19 vaccine weakens the immune system, thereby endangering our children.

Let us not forget that the CDC admits that over 25,000 people have died from the Covid-19 vaccine, yet our insane public officials still want to force our kids to take this experimental vaccine.
What kind of insanity is this?
I wish these were the only problems in our school systems, but they are not. I am sure I do not have to tell you about all of the other problems our left-leaning school boards have perpetrated against our parental control of our children. These bureaucrats act like they own us and our children. It is high time for you to say “no” and take back your freedom to decide your children’s values instead of letting a bunch of crazy bureaucrats poison their minds.

The sheer insanity mentioned in the above paragraphs is why “Our Children, Our Choice” was created. Parents have to get organized and vote out the insane bureaucrats that have brought on this crisis. We are organizing parents’ groups for each school in the district and we intend to take back our schools. If you are ready to fight for the future of your children join “Our Children, Our Choice,” and all other parents’ rights groups too, so we can band together and defeat this insanity.
There are only two things that you need in order to join “Our Children, Our Choice.”
First. You have to be sick and tired of the left-wing lunacy in our schools.
Second. You have to be willing to fight back against this storm of insanity.